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Wireless-Starter-Kit, Bluetooth-System-In Package-Modul, für BGM121, BGM123 und BGM111

The Blue Gecko Bluetooth Low Energy Module Kit for BGM11S, BGM121 and BGM123 SiP modules and the BGM111 module is the easiest and fastest way to start evaluating and developing your own Bluetooth applications. The radio starter kit comes with the Bluetooth Low Energy Module radio card, a motherboard with button cell holder, USB and Ethernet ports, display and connectors to all peripheral modules and an expansion card with additional peripherals like an accelerometer.

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HY-LINE Technology GmbH
+49 89 614 503


  • BGM11S, BGM121, BGM123 SIP und BGM111
  • Starter Kit für BLE, BT5 und BG Mesh (empfohlen 2 Kits) Anwendungen
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The manufacturer Silicon Labs from Austin / Texas, specialized in Bluetooth, Bluetooth Smart and Wifi technologies, offers an extensive family of various Bluetooth, Bluetooth Smart and Wifi modules for use in industry, medicine, telemetry, telematics, M2M and mobile systems.


You can expect technical knowledge & competence

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