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Dual-Channel SCALE-2+ Driver Core

Cost effective high-performance alternative to opto-coupler based solution with safe isolation and no parameter degradation. The dual-channel gate driver core 2SC0106T, equipped with the new SCALE™-2+ chipset, is a high-performance two-channel IGBT/MOSFET gate driver core for 1200 V IGBTs in the 37 kW to 110 kW power range. The 2SC0106T drives 600 V to 1200 V IGBTs with collector currents up to 450 A and switches at frequencies up to 20 kHz. The new SCALE™-2+ technology enables soft shutdown (SSD) to be implemented in the event of a short circuit without requiring additional components. This is particularly beneficial in applications with low stray-inductance where full Advanced Active Clamping – a method invented by CONCEPT for shutting down IGBTs or MOSFETs in a controlled manner under any circumstances - may not be necessary. UL-recognized under E321757 for UL508C and E346491 for UL60950-1 is planned

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  • Zweikanal driver core bis 1200 V
  • ±6A Gate Strom bei +15 V/-10 V
  • 1 W @ 85°C pro Kanal
  • On-board Stromversorgung
  • Hohe Zuverlässigkeit durch geringe Komponentenzahl
  • Erstklassige Isolierungs-Technologie
  • Isolierung teilentladungsgetestet
  • Verzögerung <100 ns, bis 20 kHz
  • Isolation nach IEC 61800-5-1 und IEC 60664-1
  • UL recognition (E321757 für UL508C und E346491 für UL60950-1)
  • -20°C bis +85°C (105°C mit Derating)
  • RoHS compliant

Power Integrations offers highly integrated IGBT drivers. Based on decades of experience, ASICs have been developed for the driver and monitoring functions, which together with the inductive transformers form the core of the drivers. Extensive application design support is offered.

Highly integrated driver components: cheaper than discrete in-house development

MOSFETs and IGBTs are convenient to drive with low power, unlike bipolar power semiconductors. However, high gate capacitances must be recharged and, in the case of stacked IGBTs for HVDC (high-voltage DC transmission), large potential differences must also be bridged. In addition, there are protection functions for the power semiconductors and a negative bias voltage for IGBTs to be blocked so that they cannot switch through and fail as a result of transients in bridge circuits.

In view of the high voltages, some know-how is required here. For example, special regulations on insulation clearances, clearances and creepage distances, and partial discharge resistance must be observed, and these must also be checked with expensive measuring equipment. Likewise, the degradation of the board substrate and the migration of metal ions in it must be taken into account, which can otherwise lead to premature short circuits and total failures.

Instead of launching costly in-house developments, it makes sense here to use proven, safe driver modules designed using in-house developed, monolithic highly integrated semiconductor components as well as proprietary planar transformers, such as those offered by Power Integrations under the name SCALE (which stands for Scaleable, Compact, All-purpose, Low-cost and Easy-to-use). Power Integrations, previously CONCEPT, has been developing IGBT driver solutions for over 30 years and therefore has unrivaled experience with this topic.

The SCALE devices are driven with standard logic levels from 3.3 to 15 V and are very economical in the IGBT field: they are cheaper and more reliable than conventional discrete circuit designs, especially when it comes to driving high-voltage IGBTs. Thus HY-LINE Power Components offers you everything around inverters and high performance DC/DC converters from one source.

Power Integrations offers both general modules, the SCALE Driver Cores, and modules adapted to specific IGBT modules, the SCALE Plug-and-Play Drivers. In addition, there are the monolithically integrated SCALE iDriver chips.

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