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Interactive Smart Shelf Display 29" stretch

  • Plug-and-Play System mit Display, Touchscreen und Player, Anbindung
  • Farbdisplay in HD Auflösung
  • Beste Ablesbarkeit von allen Seiten mit der patentierten IPS-Technologie
  • Hohe Leuchtkraft und brillante Farben mit bis zu 700 cd/m² Helligkeit
  • Media Player on Board:
  • ARM®Cortex™-A17, Quad-core, 1,6Ghz, 8GB Memory, Android 7.1
  • Micro USB, Micro HDMI und Wireless Kommunikation: WiFi und Bluetooth
  • In-Touch Screen: Schlankes Design mit Hilfe der in-Touch Technologie
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HY-LINE Technology GmbH
+49 89 614 503
  • Größe 29“
  • Auflösung 1920x540
  • Helligkeit 500nit
  • Kontrast 1200:1
  • Maße 712,8mm x 213,74mm (1/2 29")
  • ARM Cortex-A17, Quad-core 1,6Ghz
  • 1GB DDR3 RAM
  • 8GB EMMC Memory
  • Android 7.1
  • Micro USB 2.0, Micro HDMI
  • Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n (2.4GHz), Bluetooth 4.0

The market leader LG Display sets standards in the development of new TFT displays: patented IPS technology with wide viewing angles, narrow margins, reduced power consumption due to optimized backlight, innovative TFT technology with high resolution and competitive priced. As a result, LG Display is represented in all markets: notebooks, desktop monitors, medical monitors, industrial applications as well as automotive and personal mobile devices.

LG Display is based in Seoul, South Korea. The company was founded in 1999 under the name "LG.Philips LCD" as a joint venture of the Dutch company Koninklijke Philips Electronics and the South Korean company LG Electronics. It specializes in the manufacture of liquid crystal displays (LCDs). In February 2008 it changed its name to LG Display. All LG Display products can be found in our Display Overview.

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