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Das TWN4 MultiTech Core Modul besitzt dieselben Eigenschaften in TWN4 Familie. Diese Variante besteht hier allerdings nur aus dem Core. Der Kunde kann sich die Antenne entsprechend der Applikation designen und individuell anordnen.
Increasing efficiency, enhancing flexibility and safeguarding competitiveness - these are the key benefits of integrating RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) technology. ELATEC's innovative and intelligent solution architectures open up additional potential for companies in their application areas, e.g. through the Wireless Internet of Things (IoT).
The main areas of expertise are development, sales and support for short-range contactless read/write modules (RFID, NFC, Bluetooth) and contact-based read/write modules (smartcard). The most successful product is the universal TWN4 MultiTech reader, which is compatible with more than 60 internationally popular RFID technologies. Founded in 1988, the company employs around 90 people at 14 locations worldwide, with headquarters near Munich.
Drivers and software for Elatec products can be found here.